Black toenails

Black toenails…and swollen feet…OH MY! I thought I was safe, buying the best possible shoes for the job, making sure they were a half size bigger than I would normally purchase, and even getting Podiatrist advice. Alas…no one can be fully safe.

My left foot feels like it has grown outward next to where the shoelaces were tied, and it presses painfully against my shoe when I run (granted, I’ve only run short distances since the race — and I don’t really know if this is real pain or just readjusting to the exercise).

My right second toenail is getting darker as the blister underneath grows bigger. I probably should have clipped my toenails ahead of time. In the meantime, I’m going to head to a running store this weekend to get new shoes — and I’m hoping it helps!

For more info on this topic, check out this Runners World article.

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